Travelogue by Leila Rose Fanner

Leila Fanner landed in Venice on June 3rd, 2024, being her first time ever in Italy. She immediately reached the island from the airport and started her journey in this completely new environnment.
The first thing that captured Leila's attention upon arriving in Venice was the light. The presence of water and the reflections it creates was a significant surprise to her, as it has been for many painters visiting Venice.
On her first days, she visited the Gallerie dell’Accademia, where she admired masterworks by Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese, and many others. She was overwhelmed by the techniques, details, and use of gold leaf. Although she took many photographs, she often remarks that they do not compare to the beauty of seeing the paintings in person. She enjoyed standing very close to the paintings, as close as the artists themselves would have been, to observe every brushstroke. Inspired by these masterpieces, she now plans to incorporate gold leaf into her own works.
During her visit to the museum, she also attended the De Kooning exhibition. She was particularly struck by his large abstract paintings and by the fact that De Kooning reached the highest point of his career after participating in an art residency in Venice, shortly after his 55th birthday. Leila Fanner herself created abstract paintings at the beginning of her career and has always desired to return to abstract art.
She is endeavoring to explore this amazing and unique city, immersing herself in its streets. The safety and friendliness of the people in Venice have made it easier for her to overcome her shyness. There is so much to see, and step by step, she hopes to experience it all.
Despite her enjoyment of Venice, she remains very close to her hometown and misses it, even if she really likes her time here.
During the opening of the “Osaru Obaseki: Residency Outcome” exhibition, she met Ghizlane Sahli, a renowned Moroccan textile artist. They became friends and have visited several art exhibitions together. Perhaps influenced by this friendship, Fanner now plans to start working with sculpture. It will be interesting to see where this new direction takes her.
12 June 2024
  • Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known... Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known... Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known... Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known... Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known... Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known... Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known... Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known... Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known...

    Leila then had the enriching experience of attending a week-long printmaking course at the renowned Venice School of Graphics. Known for its rich history and dedication to the arts, the school provided the perfect environment for Leila to delve deeper into the intricate world of printmaking. During her time there, she was mentored by industry experts who guided her through each step of creating customized printing plates. 

    Throughout the course, Leila learned how to translate her unique artistic vision into tangible works of art. She experimented with various techniques, materials, and tools, allowing her creativity and sensibility to flourish. She spent hours in the studio, meticulously crafting her plates and refining her technique, all while receiving constructive feedback from her instructors.

    By the end of the week, she had produced a series of prints that beautifully showcased her personal style, influenced by the rich artistic environment of Venice and the expertise of her instructors. 

    The course not only enhanced Leila's technical skills but also deepened her appreciation for the printmaking process. It was a transformative experience that allowed her to expand her artistic horizons and create works that were both innovative and deeply personal. This experience also provided Leila with the opportunity to meet fellow artists who shared her interest in printmaking. 

  • Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This... Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This... Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This... Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This... Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This... Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This... Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This... Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This...
    Another memorable experience for Leila in Venice was her visit to the Ca' Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art. This renowned museum, housed in a magnificent baroque palace overlooking the Grand Canal, offered Leila a rich tapestry of modern and contemporary masterpieces to admire and draw inspiration from. As she wandered through the elegant halls of Ca' Pesaro, Leila was captivated by the diverse collection of artworks on display. Each piece, from sculptures to paintings, told a unique story, sparking her imagination and stirring her creative spirit. The museum’s extensive collection provided her with a deeper understanding of different artistic movements and the evolution of modern art. However, the highlight of her visit was encountering a painting by Gustav Klimt for the first time in person. The painting’s richness and depth, characteristic of Klimt’s style, left a profound impression on her. This visit became a cherished experience, significantly influencing her creative journey.
    The next day Leila attended the Venice Biennale, where she encountered a different kind of art than she had seen elsewhere in the city. This prestigious international exhibition showcased cutting-edge contemporary works, offering Leila fresh perspectives and new ideas. Her visit to the Giardini, one of the main venues of the Biennale, was particularly significant. Surrounded by lush greenery and innovative outdoor installations, she found a profound connection to nature, deepening her appreciation for Venice’s unique natural environment and inspiring her interest in incorporating natural elements into her own art.
    In a week full of new experiences, she had also the chance to visit the Bevilaqua Textile Factory in Venice with Lidija Kostic Khachatourian - AKKA Project's Founder. The rich, colorful and luxurious velvets she encountered there were a significant inspiration and are very much present in the paintings Leila conceived during those days.
  • On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day... On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day...
    On June 27th, Leila went on a guided tour of Venice, which left a profound impression on her. The day started with an extraordinary view of the city from the terrace of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, where she admired Venice from above, appreciating its unique beauty and stunning architecture. Following this, Leila explored several gardens, finding great delight in reconnecting with nature and walking barefoot on the grass. The tour also included visits to various churches, where she had the opportunity to hear fascinating anecdotes and intriguing facts about the city's history and traditions. This experience allowed the artist to immerse herself in the local culture, enriching her personal and artistic journey.

    Fascinated by the greenery and gardens of Venice from this guided tour, Leila delved deeper into the city's verdant spaces. After thorough research and upon a visitor's suggestion, she discovered the book The Gardens of Venice by Toto Bergamo Rossi and Marco Bay, featuring stunning photographs by Marco Valmarana. Exploring the secret gardens of Venice through these photographs, including those not open to the public, became a great source of inspiration for the artist, as evidenced in her subsequent works. Already deeply interested in the flora and fauna of her hometown, Cape Town, Leila embarked on a study and research journey inspired by Venice. This new perspective enriched her artistic practice, intertwining the natural beauty of both cities in her creative expressions.

  • As previously mentioned, Leila is a creative with a deep passion for nature and floral elements. During her time in... As previously mentioned, Leila is a creative with a deep passion for nature and floral elements. During her time in... As previously mentioned, Leila is a creative with a deep passion for nature and floral elements. During her time in... As previously mentioned, Leila is a creative with a deep passion for nature and floral elements. During her time in... As previously mentioned, Leila is a creative with a deep passion for nature and floral elements. During her time in...
    As previously mentioned, Leila is a creative with a deep passion for nature and floral elements. During her time in Venice, she focused on exploring and documenting the green spaces both within the city and in its surrounding areas. Her research went beyond the said photo book on Venice's secret gardens, becoming an immersive and personal journey. Leila began her exploration on the Lido of Venice, where she cycled along the island's tranquil paths. Here, she discovered a serene contrast to the bustling city, with coastal greenery and many intimate spaces that offered a peaceful retreat. Venturing further afield with some of the friends she made at AKKA, she traveled to the Dolomites, where the rugged mountains and mysterious caves presented a completely different aspect of nature's grandeur. They inspired her to reflect on the ancient connections between the land and its flora. Leila also spent time navigating the Venetian lagoon and its islands, observing how nature coexists with the unique water-based environment of the city. As she traveled by vaporetto and boat, she encountered small, verdant patches on the islands.
    Throughout her residency, Leila remained attuned to the subtle signs of nature, finding inspiration in the smallest details like a sprig of ivy climbing a crumbling wall, a patch of wildflowers by the lagoon, or a hidden garden tucked away behind an old building. Her time in Venice became a deep exploration of how nature quietly persists and flourishes, even in the most unexpected places, enriching the city's timeless allure.
  • As Leila Rose Fanner's first art residency ever comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey... As Leila Rose Fanner's first art residency ever comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey... As Leila Rose Fanner's first art residency ever comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey... As Leila Rose Fanner's first art residency ever comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey... As Leila Rose Fanner's first art residency ever comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey... As Leila Rose Fanner's first art residency ever comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey...
    As Leila Rose Fanner's first art residency ever comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey she has experienced over the past three months. Venice has proven to be a canvas of emotions and inspirations - unexpected, wondrous, awe-inspiring, lonely, kind, challenging, overwhelming, deeply cathartic, generous, and magical. As she shares: “Venice, for 3 months in summer, has been quite an experience, definitely one I could write a book about.”
    Leila's time in the lagoon has been filled with unforgettable moments. She experienced her first Festa del Redentore, marveling at the breathtaking fireworks display and crossing the votive bridge to Giudecca. She visited the Berengo Foundation on Murano, where she admired the stunning glass works of international artists. A highlight was meeting the artist Ghizlane Sahli at AKKA Project, exchanging ideas and creative visions. And who could forget the awe of climbing the Scala del Bovolo, where history and architecture converged to inspire her further?

    Reflecting on her time in Venice, Leila admits: “As a first-time Art Residency, I had no experience to compare it to - only that of my artist friends”. This residency has profoundly impacted her art practice, and she notes: “The change in my art practice in terms of my style, approach, and methods will become apparent as time goes on when I am back in my own studio”.

    Now, as she prepares to return to Cape Town, Leila’s heart is full of anticipation: “I cannot wait to get back! South Africa pulls my heart - to my home, my people, my garden, my doggie, the mountains, the clear, wild ocean, and all my loves”. Venice has been a chapter filled with growth and inspiration, and while this residency may have ended, it has undoubtedly laid the foundation for the exciting creative journey that lies ahead.