Ngugi Waweru Kenya, b. 1987
“My influences are first and foremost anything I see and feel, and life encounters…..When I am working on the rough texture on my canvas it reminds me of the struggle we all go through and our inner strength and knowledge that we use to overcome our challenges.”
Ngugi Waweru is a multimedia artist born in 1987 in Mukuru, Kenya, but he grew up in Nairobi, where he currently lives and works.
Unlike most artists, who capture their art aptitude in their primary school years, Ngugi is a self-taught artist who mostly works with woodcut prints and mixed medium painting on canvas. He experimented with art only after observing his friends who had already graduated from an art college practicing art. Having already cultivated a passion and skill in art, Waweru resolved to embrace it full time.
Growing up in the biggest informal settlement in Nairobi, Ngugi clung to art as a recluse from drug crime and unemployment. Along with his friends, he founded the Wajukuu Arts collective through which he mentors the youth of the settlement till date.
In 2015, Ngugi emerged 2nd runner up in the Manjano Art competition. As a Wajukuu artist, the artist participated in documenta 15, Kassel, Germany, in 2022, and his selected sculpture was collected by the Neue Galerie in Kassel. The collective won the Arnold Bode prize 2022.
Africa 1:1, Five African artists at Ca' Pesaro
Group Exhibition 20 May - 1 October 2023 VeneziaVenice, Ca’ Pesaro, International Gallery of Modern Art 20th May – 1st October 2023 Curated by Elisabetta Barisoni Lidija Kostic Khachatourian Supported by Kristian Khachatourian Serge Tiroche In collaboration with...Read more -
Africa 1:1 LAB, The Outcome
Group Exhibition 18 - 31 May 2023 VeneziaAKKA Project is extremely pleased to announce and to show the outcome of the Artists' Residency Program, Africa 1:1 LAB , in collaboration with Africa First and supported by Ca'...Read more
Africa 1:1
Cinque artisti africani a Ca' Pesaro 8 May 202320 maggio – 1 ottobre 2023 Venezia, Ca’ Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna Piano terra e Project room In collaborazione con AKKA Project e Africa...Read more -
Africa 1 : 1 LAB, Artists Residency Program @ Ca' Pesaro
Artists in Residence 2023 14 February 2023We are thrilled to announce the Africa 1:1 LAB, an artists' residency project resulting from a collaboration between AKKA Project and Africa First by Serge...Read more
Le opere di Africa 1:1 Arrivano Nella Collezione di Ca' Pesaro
Francesca Valoncini, Martebenicult - 24 Ore Business School, 21 November 2023 -
AKKA Project collaborates with Ca’ Pesaro, the International Gallery of Modern Art and Africa First by Serge Tiroche
Art Africa Magazine, 19 September 2023 -
Metal artist reveals what makes people less human
BAMUTURAKI MUSINGUZI, The East African, 20 June 2023 -
Cosa vedere a Venezia durante la Biennale Architettura 2023
Valentina Raggi, Elena Dallorso, Carlotta Trevaini e Elisa Mencarelli, AD Italia, 5 June 2023
Africa 1:1, cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro
Francesco Liggieri , Exibart, 28 May 2023 -
«Africa 1:1» a Ca' Pesaro Cinque artisti africani
Corriere del Veneto , 26 May 2023 -
Laguna d'Africa, Le visioni di cinque autori
La Lettura - Corriere della Sera, 21 May 2023 -
L’arte africana interpreta Venezia: il progetto AFRICA 1:1
Giulia Spriano,, 19 May 2023
AFRICA 1:1 Cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro a Venezia
Hestetika, 18 May 2023 -
The Bag: The Biennale Architettura Guide 2023
Venezia News, 17 May 2023 -
Le Mostre da non perdere a Venezia
Redazione,, 17 May 2023
Vedere a: Venezia e dintorni
Il Giornale dell'Arte, 16 May 2023 -
Cinque giovani artisti africani tra residenza e dialogo con la città
La Nuova di Venezia e Mestre, 16 May 2023 -
Venezia: Africa 1:1 Cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna
Redazione, Experiences , 16 May 2023 -
Cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro
Redazione, Venezia Today, 16 May 2023
Mostre a Venezia: la stagione degli opening è iniziata, aspettando la Biennale
Cristina D'Antonio, Il Sole 24 Ore, 15 May 2023 -
Le Mostre in Veneto da non perdere – Blog di Padova
Alberto Botton,, 14 May 2023 -
Venezia: la guida alle mostre d’arte da non perdere durante la Biennale di Architettura
Emma Drocco, Exibart, 14 May 2023 -
AFRICA 1:1. Cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro
Itinerari nell'Arte, 13 May 2023
Africa 1:1. Cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro
Arte.go, 12 May 2023 -
“Africa 1:1 Cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro”, Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna di Venezia
Mariella Belloni, LiquidArte, 12 May 2023 -
L'arte contemporanea africana entra negli spazi della Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna di Ca' Pesaro
Redazione, Finestre sull'Arte, 11 May 2023 -
Al via a Venezia dal 20 maggio Africa 1:1 a Ca’ Pesaro
Redazione,, 11 May 2023
L'arte contemporanea africana entra negli spazi della Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna di Ca' Pesaro
Redazione, Finestre Sull'Arte, 11 May 2023 -
AFRICA 1:1, a Ca' Pesaro in mostra cinque giovani artisti africani
Redazione, Anordestdiche, 11 May 2023 -
AFRICA 1:1, cinque artisti africani a Ca' Pesaro
Redazione,, 11 May 2023 -
AFRICA 1:1 Cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro
Redazione, Pikasus Arte News, 8 May 2023 -
AFRICA 1:1 a Ca’ Pesaro in un viaggio alla scoperta dell’Africa
Redazione,, 6 May 2023 -
ArTribune, 5 May 2023 -
AFRICA 1:1 Cinque artisti africani a Ca’ Pesaro
Visit MUVE, 5 May 2023
Giovani africani e le donazioni di Sironi e Testa
Il Giornale dell'Arte, 2 May 2023 -
Africa 1:1 Lab – Artists’ Residency Project, THE OUTCOME
My Art Guides, 1 May 2023 -
Africa 1:1 LAB Features Five Young Artists Across Africa
Catherine Bardi, Art News Africa, 21 April 2023 -
Nell'arte il Veneto fiorisce. Le mostre di primavera da non perdere
Damiano Martin,, 3 March 2023